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The Best Websites to Post or Find a Job On

4 min read

By Lark Begin

Whether you are looking for a job or need to post a job ad for your company, it can be difficult to know where to start. If your hiring, you want to attract a decent sized pool of top-notch candidates. If you’re applying for jobs, you want to find the right fit, in the industry you work in, likely in a specific location. So to help you get started, here are the best websites for posting and finding job openings.


LinkedIn is one of the most highly touted social networking platforms for professionals, and the perfect platform for posting and finding jobs. A wide range of industries post openings on LinkedIn. Plus, it offers sound advice for employees looking to building their career and making their LinkedIn profile more appealing to potential employers.

You can easily find job listings for your profession on LinkedIn by looking for keywords in the job category search bar. It allows you to narrow down your search by choosing your desired location.

If you wish to post a job on LinkedIn, there are a few more steps involved. It is recommend following the company’s thorough step-by-step guide.


UpWork is one of the top platforms for freelancers. You can both seek and post jobs on the website. It is easy and safe to use and offers many useful features, including the ability to create and fund milestones,, schedule meetings and even take your contract outside of Upwork if you want to work with them long-term of bring them on permanently.

Looking for a job on UpWork is simple. After you create an account, use the search bar and type keywords and phrases that apply to your profession. Each time you apply for a job, it uses UpWork’s special token called Connects. Your account comes with complimentary Connects when you first sign up. After you use up all your Connects, you can replenish them for a small fee.

To post a job opening for your company, first, you need to create an account. After you create an account, click on the jobs tab, then the “Post a Job” button. UpWork will then walk you through an easy-to-use form to create your job posting. Conveniently, once you’ve created and posted your first job, you can reuse and edit a previous job post, which cuts down on the time required.


A true pioneer in the online job posting world, Indeed is one of the most trusted job posting and seeking platforms available. No matter the profession, location, or pay, Indeed has something to offer. The best part is, it has no fees!

To find a job on Indeed’s platform, type in the keywords related to your profession into the search and add your desired location to the adjacent bar.

Posting a job on Indeed is just as simple as finding one. First, create an account. Then, type in the details about the opening. After doing that, review the posting and add your account information.


Known as the number one job site for remote workers, FlexJobs offers services for both job seekers and posters. Since FlexJobs is a paid subscription service, it tends to attract only the highest quality and most committed job seekers.

If you’re unsure about purchasing a monthly job seeker subscription, the company offers a one week trial without charge. Afterwards, expect to pay a monthly or yearly fee.

As a job poster, you get to advertise openings without fees, though they must meet certain criteria. Your job must be remote, have a freelance contract, and a part-time or flexible schedule. Visit FlexJobs’ job submission page to post your job openings.


Mediabistro is a job seeking and posting platform that specializes in media professions. You can find mass media companies that need graphic designers, marketers, and content creators. Mediabistro posts both traditional and remote jobs.

To find a job on Mediabistro, you can type keywords related to your industry into the search bar or click on genre buttons that pull up listings in your profession.

The platform does charge a steep fee to post jobs though. To post one job on Mediabistro for 30 days, it costs hundreds of dollars. The overall price continues to increase, but the price per posting decreases depending on the package you buy.

Once you create your account and choose the package that serves your needs best, follow the prompts that Mediabistro gives to complete the posting(s).


CareerBuilder is another popular online job posting website, offeings services to both job seekers and posters. They do not specialize in a certain industry, which means you can find all types of jobs and professionals.

You can find a job opening on CareerBuilder by typing keywords related to your industry into the search bar along with your location. It’s fast, easy, and simple.

Posting a job on CareerBuilder is a thorough eight-step process that involves writing a detailed description of the available position. Fortunately, CareerBuilder has a step-by-step guide on their website to help you with the process. Employers can make a one time purchase of any number of job postings, which get cheaper with each additional posting added.


The ultimate platform for tech job seekers and employers, Dice has over 70,000 jobs to sift through. The platform even offers insight and tips about the industry, so you can confidently make your next career move.

To find your next job on Dice, enter keywords and your location into the appropriate search bars. Like many platforms on this list, Dice’s interface is extremely user friendly.

Posting a job to the Dice platform costs money. For one job listing, expect to pay well into the five figures. Much like the interface, Dice’s job posting process is user friendly and provides prompts and fill in the blanks to make it easy.

Get Started

Since each platform attracts users from different professions, there are several things to consider when looking for jobs online and posting them. Are you looking for remote jobs or employees? Do you want independent contractors or full-time employees?

Finally, is it worth it to you to pay more to post on an industry specific site? Consider your budget and answer the above questions to choose a website that suits your needs best.

About the Author


Lark Begin is a digital marketer from Ottawa, Canada. Lark is an SEO and content writing specialist who has published over 4700+ articles and blogs online and has helped hundreds of companies grow their content library. In her free time, she enjoys being in nature with her family, fishing and dancing.